The Project

The Project

The LIFE-SALINAS Project is based on sustainable development, as it improves the conservation of both the priority fauna species and the habitats in the European Union, as well as enhances the ecosystem services by increasing the production and the improvement of the salt quality.

The conservation of 1 bird species and 2 priority habitats of the European Union:
1. Audouin’s gull (Larus audouinii)
2. Priority habitats 1510*: Mediterranean salt steppes (Limonietalia) and 2250*: Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.

To improve the conservation status of the Audouin gull by increasing the surface of its habitat and the availability of food:

  1. To redesign the salt making circuit located in the northern part of the Salinas and to adjust 1,800 metres of new dykes. Also to increase the nesting habitats of the Audouin’s gull and 7 other nesting species included in Annex I of the Birds Directive: common avocet, common stork, black-legged plover, common tern, little tern, black-legged tern and common gull-billed Tern.
  2. To improve the water circulation of the Coterillo pond by conditioning the water inlet channel and creating a new water outlet channel. Thus, by rehabilitating a habitat for the congregation and feeding of the Audouin’s gull as well as recovering the population of fartet and favouring 5 species of bats included in Annex II of the Habitats Directive.

It is also important for the wintering, migration and nesting of 32 species of birds belonging to Annex I of the Birds Directive.

  1. To stop the dune system erosion of La Llana beach by installing sand collectors in the first 500 metres of this system located at the entrance to the beach.
    To improve the conservation of priority habitat 1510* and to benefit 10 other habitats belonging to Annex I of the Habitats Directive.
  2. To control the spread of exotic invasive plant species throughout the protected area that affects priority habitats 1510* and 2250*: American Agave, Carpobrotus acinaciformis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Nicotiana glauca and Myoporum acuminatum, while indirectly benefiting 12 other habitats included in Annex I of the Habitats Directive.
  3. To establish a long-term land stewardship agreement with Salinera Española for the development of conservation actions regarding 2 priority habitats (1510* and 2250*), the Audouin’s gull and other species and habitats included in the European legislation.
  4. To add value to ecosystem services by increasing the production and the quality of salt.
  5. To design and implement a quality and environmental protection certificate for the salt, especially for those areas included in the Natura 2000 Network.

Total budget: €1,790,845 European Union contribution: €1,002,618 (56%)

DURATION: from 01/09/2018 to 30/09/2022

LOCATION: The Regional Park of the Salinas and Saltflats of San Pedro del Pinatar, with an area of 856 hectares and almost 6 kilometers of coastline, are located in the northern part of the coast of the Region of Murcia. The park includes areas belonging to both San Pedro del Pinatar and San Javier municipalities. To San Javier belongs Las Encañizadas, the southern part of the park, where Mar Menor meets the Mediterranean sea.

1. Preparatory actions
A1 Drafting of technical documents for conservation actions
A2 Voluntary agreement of Land Stewardship

  1. Conservation actions
    C1 Green infrastructure: adaptation of dykes with local material from the salt sub-stratum
    C2 Green infrastructure: connection of the Coterillo pond with the salt circuit
    C3 Stabilisation and reinforcement of the dune ecosystem of La Llana beach
    C4 Revegetation with native species in the beach dunes of Coterillo
    C5 Enhancement of the habitat’s environmental services through the control of invasive alien species
  2. Monitoring of the Project’s actions results
    D1 Biological monitoring programme
    D2 Monitoring of actions to stabilise and reinforce the dune ecosystem of La Llana beach to control erosion
    D3 Monitoring of actions to revegetate habitats of native species
    D4 Monitoring of actions to promote environmental services in priority habitats through the control of invasive alien species (AIS)
    D5 Assessment of the socio-economic impact and ecosystem services
  3. Public awareness and dissemination of results
    E1 Dissemination of the project and environmental education
    E2 Replicability, transferability and cooperation
    E3 Design and implementation of a quality and environmental protection certificate for salt from salinas in Natura 2000 sites
    E4 Networks with other projects.

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